Hey there fellow internet strangers.
So in parts one through three, we've just covered Twitter. Now that we're all up to date on my Twittering, it's time to move on to the other beast - Instagram.
Shortly after I started with Twitter, I hopped on Instagram. I knew it was a good tool for businesses, but I really didn't know why. I had never used it before, so I was a bit nervous going in.
How Writers Should Use Instagram
Much like Twitter, I started out on Instagram totally wingin' it. However, unlike my start on Twitter, I really had no idea where to begin. After all, I'm a writer. Instagram is just pictures, right? Do I just take pictures of words? What the hell does a writer do on Instagram?!
Okay, let's take a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Feel better? Good.
My first Instagram post...pitiful.
Now that we're calm, let's think about this. What can we post about that makes sense for a writer? My first thought (after my weak first post attempt) was to take pictures of notepads and pencils, sometimes with something written on the pad, other times just blank. I was grasping at straws.
This only lasted me a few posts before I totally lost interest. It killed my desire to even use Instagram. What resulted was a very weak first couple of weeks on the app. I started to think that the platform simply wasn't going to work for me. However, I was wrong.
What I needed was a new approach. I needed to brand myself on Instagram, and form a very specific style of posting that would allow me to consistently put out good content without having to think too hard. After all, I'm pretty busy, so I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to post planning.
And that's when I came up with my new format, which is...
...going to be on part 5.
Sorry, but I'm going to have to tease you a bit. I promise, I'll get more in depth on my Instagram strategy next time.
Getting Followers on Instagram
For now, I just want to quickly talk about followers on Instagram. Being a newbie, I've really gone through quite a roller coaster with my followers. At first, I was excited. I was gaining a ton (relatively) of followers pretty quickly. Then I'd notice my follower number go down. Then up. Then back down.
This is still happening every day. I was a bit confused for the first couple of days. I doubted my content. I doubted my strategy. But I shouldn't have.
If you've been on Instagram for any period of time, you've probably run into the same thing. And you probably know why it happens. But for those of you who don't, let me help you out.
Those fluctuating numbers are the result of a lovely group of people. This particular type of Instagram user will follow you, wait a few days for your follow-back, then unfollow you. Awesome, I know.
Avoid any accounts that look like this.
There's really nothing you can do about these people. However, there are some signs you can look out for, so you don't waste a follow on these jabronies.
1. They have a lot more followers than accounts they follow.
- Not always a sign, but if their content doesn't make sense for the amount of followers they have, then they're probably unfollowing.
2. Their post-to-follower ratio is out of whack.
- If they've only got a dozen posts but thousands of followers, something is off.
3. There's no real pictures.
- If every single post is a motivational quote, there probably isn't a real face behind those posts.
4. It's all business, but no substance.
- If it's a business-related account that never talks about their actual business, they're just hunting for followers.
5. Any account that looks like the one pictured above.
- I mean, it's just obvious.
If you see any of these signs, don't bother following that account back. More than likely, they'll unfollow you within a week. I'm sure there are more signs that I've missed, and if you can think of any, comment down below.
That's it for part four! Next time, we'll talk more about my Instagram strategies for gaining followers (real ones), as well as the format that I've been using for my posts.
If you missed the previous parts in this series check them out here:
If you'd like to support an Instagram newbie (or just give me a sympathy follow), check out my account @lebeardedscribe.
And if you need a writer, please click here (I promise I'm better off of social media).
Comment below and let me know what you think of my first attempts at Instagram!